Whitney Houston Dead

General Intelligent Discussion & One Thread About That Buttknuckle

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Postby slucero » Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:50 am

Clive Davis.

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Postby RPM » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:54 am

SusieP wrote:Well I still don't get why the success, adulation and money aren't enough and they need to take drugs.

When I've sung to an audience all night and get applause and good comments from them afterwards, I go home happy and go to sleep with a smile on my face and the satisfaction that people had a good time.

And also, after working in day jobs I hated for years until I was able to quit and make a living from singing, I am now so happy being able to do this, that I get enough of a high from that.

And even if I have a bad night, I just get on with it because you can't please everyone all of the time - but I would never take drugs to help me over it.

And years ago when I had an accident which led to my left foot being partially severed and reconstructed with pins and wires, I was prescribed pain killing drugs to deal with that, but I weaned myself off them pretty damn quick because I didn't want to become reliant upon them.

So I truly cannot understand why stars take drugs.

Maybe they are just greedy and their success, no matter how stellar just isn't enough to feed their greed????

Its a good question Susie, but greed I don't think is the answer, in the case of Elvis, who was very generous,
he was surrounded by yes men, everyone was on his payroll and this is probably the case with most of these
stars, surrounded by people making money of them and there is no one they are accountable too. they are told
what they want to hear. I believe she was dealing with severe depression, she was worried about her looks, was
turned down for medical reasons for plastic surgery, never regained the upper range in her voice and was alone.
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Postby Deb » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:19 pm

SusieP wrote:Well I still don't get why the success, adulation and money aren't enough and they need to take drugs.

When I've sung to an audience all night and get applause and good comments from them afterwards, I go home happy and go to sleep with a smile on my face and the satisfaction that people had a good time.

And also, after working in day jobs I hated for years until I was able to quit and make a living from singing, I am now so happy being able to do this, that I get enough of a high from that.

And even if I have a bad night, I just get on with it because you can't please everyone all of the time - but I would never take drugs to help me over it.

And years ago when I had an accident which led to my left foot being partially severed and reconstructed with pins and wires, I was prescribed pain killing drugs to deal with that, but I weaned myself off them pretty damn quick because I didn't want to become reliant upon them.

So I truly cannot understand why stars take drugs.

Maybe they are just greedy and their success, no matter how stellar just isn't enough to feed their greed????

I hear ya and most of us that don't have an addictive personality can't and don't understand it. Some people just have addictive personalities whether it be to booze, drugs, gambling, sex, etc. And I think if you have that addictive personality, in that lifestyle and surrounded by yes men.....probably going to be a whole lot more susceptable to it.
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Postby artist4perry » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:30 pm

SusieP wrote:Well I still don't get why the success, adulation and money aren't enough and they need to take drugs.

When I've sung to an audience all night and get applause and good comments from them afterwards, I go home happy and go to sleep with a smile on my face and the satisfaction that people had a good time.

And also, after working in day jobs I hated for years until I was able to quit and make a living from singing, I am now so happy being able to do this, that I get enough of a high from that.

And even if I have a bad night, I just get on with it because you can't please everyone all of the time - but I would never take drugs to help me over it.

And years ago when I had an accident which led to my left foot being partially severed and reconstructed with pins and wires, I was prescribed pain killing drugs to deal with that, but I weaned myself off them pretty damn quick because I didn't want to become reliant upon them.

So I truly cannot understand why stars take drugs.

Maybe they are just greedy and their success, no matter how stellar just isn't enough to feed their greed????

I think a lot of it stems from pressure from folks who do it in the business. Your not cool unless you drink and dope it up. But think about it Susie...do you know people who try to pressure you to drink when your out? I have dealt with that as an ex-army wife. People won't take no for an answer and try to make you feel like your no fun if you don't. The good thing is I know I don't need booze or drugs to feel good. I am not easily swayed by people trying to pressure me. It usually pisses me off so much I hate to go out with morons who cannot seem to have a good time unless your doing what they are doing...explain that stupid mentality to me... :roll: :roll: :roll: Then you get people who want to please everyone. They don't want to be called goody goody and give in out of fear of rejection. People who pressure others aren't cool.
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Postby SusieP » Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:50 am

I'm hearing you all.

So it's not greed. Well not greed of the actual star, but greed of their Moguls [Clive Davis] and the yes men and hangers on.

And it's the pull of an addictive personality that they don't have the willpower or strength of character to say no to.

And it's the pressure of those around who say you aren't cool if you don't do what they do.

It's still hard for some of us to understand how someone that beautiful with THAT voice could come to such a sad end as this, though.

If there is another place [where do broken hearts go] I hope she's found some peace.

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Postby Babyblue » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:13 am

G.I.Jim wrote:
Ehwmatt wrote:
G.I.Jim wrote:
Michigan Girl wrote:I am devastated by her death, but the loss for me/the fans happened years ago …
I’m sad for her family and friends now …her family fought for her.

I was so hoping she had overcome her demons and gotten on the
right track when she and Clive got back together for her last LP …
and then I watched the Oprah interview and I knew it wasn’t over (the drugs).
She blamed Bobby, her fame, the media but she never really owned up
to the fact that it was Whitney who made the choices and she
was the only one w/the power to change. When Oprah asked her if it
was over (the drug use), the eye contact broke and her response took my breath
away … it was just skirting.

Demons aside, I am a huge fan of the voice that was Whitney and it is sad!

+1. I couldn't have said it better myself. I don't understand how some here can be so cruel when it comes to death. Yeah, she had a drug problem. We all have problems, and we all deal with those problems in our own ways. You can all speak your minds freely, and not feel sorry for her if you don't want to. As for me... I do feel sorry for her. I feel bad for the fact that she couldn't figure out her life and get away from drugs. I feel bad for her daughter and her family who loved her. I don't feel bad for Bobby's loss, and maybe this event will help him deal with his own problems and get his own life straight. I hope so for his daughter's sake.

I think she was an amazing singer, and I'm glad for the songs she gave us.

She was a revolting kunt. There's nothing to feel sorry for. She had her chance at life, had the world by the balls, and blew it all up her nose. My relatives who died in their 40s and 50s from breast cancer, heart attacks, and what not would kill to have had some extra years to see their children and grandchildren grow up, play college sports, get married etc. In contrast, she killed herself in the most despicable and deplorable way possible--slowly, with substances (and who knows--I think she committed suicide). Nope, fuck her. She hasn't been relevant and I suspect hasn't been much of a mother in years, so there's truly nothing sad about it.


That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it Matt. Maybe when you're a parent, you'll see things differently. Was she a shitty mother? Yep! Was she a drug addict? Yep, yep. But ultimately she was a person. She was loved by her family and by many of her fans. She wasn't perfect, and none of us are. If you had problems, would you want people saying you were a piece of shit after you die? I don't think so. All I'm saying here is that more respect could be shown for the dead around here.

It's been the same here for MJ, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole... it's like people love to see people like them die, then throw dirt on their graves. I think it's disgusting, and while I may not agree with their choices and decisions... they're still people. I wouldn't wish death on anyone unless they caused other people death, or were abusive to others.

Again... it's just MY take on it, and my $.02 for what it's worth.

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Postby Babyblue » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:24 am

Ftloperry wrote:Very sad to see another great singer leave us way too soon. Whitney had her battles through out her life and at times it looked like she had over come them. She was always gracious and giving to her fans and we need to remember the precious gift of her voice and not remember all the battles she had. She has left a legacy of songs that we will remember always and left a voice that we will never hear from anyone else.

So true ftloperry :wink: We must remember a daughter lost a mother & a mother lost a daughter :cry: :cry: My thoughts and prayers are for them.
Last edited by Babyblue on Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Duncan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:11 am

verslibre wrote:
Duncan wrote:
Rick wrote:
Fact Finder wrote:
I pretty much agree with both parties.

Ok folks, we all know about Whitney and MJ and Winehouse, Jim Morrison et al...

how do we feel about someone like Freddie, who only simply took one wrong cock up the poop shoot? :shock:

(I say simply with a pained expression) :wink:

Taking it up the poop chute is not the only way to get HIV. I'm sure he was aware of the dangers, and your point does ring true.

Here's my take on the whole thing and it includes me and the way I feel about my own life.

Live your life the way you want to. If you like eating cheese burgers until your arteries close up and kill you, then do it. We're here for a relatively brief amount of time. Not even a blink of the eye in the scope of the universe, so by all means, enjoy yourself while you're here. You're not going to escape death, it's coming, and it's going to get you. If you choose to lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy doing that, you will avoid it for a tenth of a blink longer.

It's your life. Enjoy it and do what you want because there is no afterlife for losers.

Well said Rick. You missed the last little bit, but I've fixed that for you.

There, I fixed it for you. No extra charge for the punctuation, either. :lol:

I think we're finally in agreement. There is no afterlife for losers.
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Postby Ehwmatt » Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:41 am

SusieP wrote:Well I still don't get why the success, adulation and money aren't enough and they need to take drugs.

When I've sung to an audience all night and get applause and good comments from them afterwards, I go home happy and go to sleep with a smile on my face and the satisfaction that people had a good time.

And also, after working in day jobs I hated for years until I was able to quit and make a living from singing, I am now so happy being able to do this, that I get enough of a high from that.

And even if I have a bad night, I just get on with it because you can't please everyone all of the time - but I would never take drugs to help me over it.

And years ago when I had an accident which led to my left foot being partially severed and reconstructed with pins and wires, I was prescribed pain killing drugs to deal with that, but I weaned myself off them pretty damn quick because I didn't want to become reliant upon them.

So I truly cannot understand why stars take drugs.

Maybe they are just greedy and their success, no matter how stellar just isn't enough to feed their greed????

Susie, there's nothing that scientific about it when it comes to explaining your thoughts and especially the statement I bolded. The fact of the matter is that like many of us, you're a decent, well-adjusted human being vested with the resiliency, intelligence, foresight, and free will that distinguishes us from other living beings. In short, you're a fighter and a survivor, not a weak-willed pussy who would turn to drugs the moment things got bad for you. These celeb millionaires are nothing but weaklings.
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Postby artist4perry » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:03 am

SusieP wrote:I'm hearing you all.

So it's not greed. Well not greed of the actual star, but greed of their Moguls [Clive Davis] and the yes men and hangers on.

And it's the pull of an addictive personality that they don't have the willpower or strength of character to say no to.

And it's the pressure of those around who say you aren't cool if you don't do what they do.

It's still hard for some of us to understand how someone that beautiful with THAT voice could come to such a sad end as this, though.

If there is another place [where do broken hearts go] I hope she's found some peace.

It was a waste of a life. That always makes me saddened.
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Postby SusieP » Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:01 am

Ehwmatt wrote:
SusieP wrote:Well I still don't get why the success, adulation and money aren't enough and they need to take drugs.

When I've sung to an audience all night and get applause and good comments from them afterwards, I go home happy and go to sleep with a smile on my face and the satisfaction that people had a good time.

And also, after working in day jobs I hated for years until I was able to quit and make a living from singing, I am now so happy being able to do this, that I get enough of a high from that.

And even if I have a bad night, I just get on with it because you can't please everyone all of the time - but I would never take drugs to help me over it.

And years ago when I had an accident which led to my left foot being partially severed and reconstructed with pins and wires, I was prescribed pain killing drugs to deal with that, but I weaned myself off them pretty damn quick because I didn't want to become reliant upon them.

So I truly cannot understand why stars take drugs.

Maybe they are just greedy and their success, no matter how stellar just isn't enough to feed their greed????

Susie, there's nothing that scientific about it when it comes to explaining your thoughts and especially the statement I bolded. The fact of the matter is that like many of us, you're a decent, well-adjusted human being vested with the resiliency, intelligence, foresight, and free will that distinguishes us from other living beings. In short, you're a fighter and a survivor, not a weak-willed pussy who would turn to drugs the moment things got bad for you. These celeb millionaires are nothing but weaklings.

Yeh, I think you are right.

These people are WEAK.

They should just grow a pair and fight!


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Re: Whitney Houston Dead

Postby slucero » Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:56 am

now they get to start fighting over the 100 Million she was gonna inherit..

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Re: Whitney Houston Dead

Postby SusieP » Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:36 am

Is she still alive?
Will she recover?
Vegetative state? What?

WTF goes on in this family????????????

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