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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby slucero » Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:31 am

Monker wrote:
Fact is, Trump won in big part because he focused on a getting America back on track to being again a relevant country.

Trump focused on: The Wall, banning Muslims, China trade, and NAFTA....and all things "Crooked Hillary" and "Lock Her Up". His entire campaign was based in anger and hatred over specific people, countries, or groups.

A "relative" country does not back out of things like the climate accord, or TPP. A "relative" country creates such things to LEAD the world. A "relative" country does not isolate itself from the rest of the world, which is what Trump supports...a relative country ENGAGES the rest of the world. A relative country does not have leaders such as Merkle dismiss the US and say Europe is on its own. The US world standing is SIGNIFICANTLY distressed and diminished by a direct result of the Donald Duck Trump's presidency.

We aren't relative.. we're a sovereign nation... get over it or move.

A sovereign country does not drink globalist, one-world one-government Kool Aid either...

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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby ohsherrie » Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:02 am

Monker wrote:
Fact is, Trump won in big part because he focused on a getting America back on track to being again a relevant country.

Trump focused on: The Wall, banning Muslims, China trade, and NAFTA....and all things "Crooked Hillary" and "Lock Her Up". His entire campaign was based in anger and hatred over specific people, countries, or groups.

A "relative" country does not back out of things like the climate accord, or TPP. A "relative" country creates such things to LEAD the world. A "relative" country does not isolate itself from the rest of the world, which is what Trump supports...a relative country ENGAGES the rest of the world. A relative country does not have leaders such as Merkle dismiss the US and say Europe is on its own. The US world standing is SIGNIFICANTLY distressed and diminished by a direct result of the Donald Duck Trump's presidency.

Why should we sacrifice our national security, economy and sovereignty for the "good" of China, Mexico and the terrorist nations of the Middle East? If Europe wants to do so that's their business and has nothing to do with us. We don't want to be a "relative" nation. We want to be the United States of America. We ARE "relevant" and wish to remain so. We don't want to be the financiers of the World Economy or the World Police. We want our Nation to be advisors, arbitrators, friends with the World, not their sacrificial lamb.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby JBlake » Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:26 am

Monker wrote:
Fact is, Trump won in big part because he focused on a getting America back on track to being again a relevant country.

Trump focused on: The Wall, banning Muslims, China trade, and NAFTA....and all things "Crooked Hillary" and "Lock Her Up". His entire campaign was based in anger and hatred over specific people, countries, or groups.

A "relative" country does not back out of things like the climate accord, or TPP. A "relative" country creates such things to LEAD the world. A "relative" country does not isolate itself from the rest of the world, which is what Trump supports...a relative country ENGAGES the rest of the world. A relative country does not have leaders such as Merkle dismiss the US and say Europe is on its own. The US world standing is SIGNIFICANTLY distressed and diminished by a direct result of the Donald Duck Trump's presidency.

Ok Monker, enough of the half truths. How about providing the other half of the truths, such as, why he wants to do these things. I can help you out with a few. The wall - keeps criminals from flowing into America such as MS-13. In regards to Muslims, keeping Muslim terrorists out of America, who come in and commit terrorist attacks on citizens in America. These terrorists come in from Muslim countries. Note - The Pulse nightclub attack (among numerous other terrorist attacks by Muslims in America).

Here's a bonus track for you in regards to the unfair trade agreement topic: Note - try and pay attention!
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby ohsherrie » Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:47 am

Fact Finder wrote:“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”―David Rockefeller ... e-new-york

Anybody who doesn't find that terrifying is totally out of touch with reality and swallowing what the MSM is feeding them.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Monker » Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:42 am

ohsherrie wrote:
Fact Finder wrote:“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”―David Rockefeller ... e-new-york

Anybody who doesn't find that terrifying is totally out of touch with reality and swallowing what the MSM is feeding them.

Quotes from a dead banker don't mean shit.

Putting tariffs on imported steel matter and could crash the economy. The ignorance of the man making that decision and the power and position he holds is what people should consider terrifying.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Monker » Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:54 am

JBlake wrote:Ok Monker, enough of the half truths.

What I said is the absolute truth. What you are saying is bullshit.

I can help you out with a few. The wall - keeps criminals from flowing into America such as MS-13.

The "wall" itself was bullshit...even most Trump zombies admit that.
Most illegals are here legally and over stay VISAS and do not cross the border illegally.

In regards to Muslims, keeping Muslim terrorists out of America, who come in and commit terrorist attacks on citizens in America.

More people are killed every year by toddlers than by Muslim terrorist. Woman are not birthing their best babies. They are birthing crime, they birthing gang member. And, some, I assume, may be good babies. But, we must protect ourselves against this menace...a menace that is GREATER than that of Muslim terrorist. ALL PREGNANCIES MUST BE ABORTED to preserve the safety of our country.

Everything Trump says is an exageration and a lie.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby ohsherrie » Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:16 pm

Monker wrote:
ohsherrie wrote:
Fact Finder wrote:“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. … It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”―David Rockefeller ... e-new-york

Anybody who doesn't find that terrifying is totally out of touch with reality and swallowing what the MSM is feeding them.

Quotes from a dead banker don't mean shit.

Putting tariffs on imported steel matter and could crash the economy. The ignorance of the man making that decision and the power and position he holds is what people should consider terrifying.

The quote is evidence of the collusion between the media and the liberal movement towards globalism. It proves quite a lot to those of us who want to see reality.

Ignorance was allowing this huge trade deficit to occur. In what way has this country benefitted from it? Moving jobs, the revenues they create, and the investments in our economy that the wages provide was the destruction of our REAL economy. They tried to build it back by building houses and selling them to people who couldn't afford them and then betting on their mortgage defaults. That didn't work very well.

We need to become self sufficient again and make our economy strong from the bottom up. Trickle down doesn't work when it all trickles into China and Mexico.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:09 am

Andrew wrote:
As for LWNJs, there aren't any here. This topic has been taken over by 3 or 4 complete hard nosed RWNJs such as yourself and there is no balance here whatsoever. Apart from dear Monker.

"Dear Monker" refutes your description of him as a leftist. So you may want to run that by him first.

The truth is, I have been left-leaning all my life and continue to be. Sherrie is also a Democrat. Trump's move on tariffs is exactly why I voted for him and it was even endorsed by the AFL-CIO, the biggest federation of unions in America. I guess you think the AFL-CIO are right-wing nutjobs too?

The only persons sounding like right-wing Strangelovian nut jobs in this thread are those babbling incoherently about Russia/Putin.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:12 am

Monker wrote:Putting tariffs on imported steel matter and could crash the economy. The ignorance of the man making that decision and the power and position he holds is what people should consider terrifying.

You would only think this if you have the most limited understanding of economics. Protectionism was used by Regan and W in smaller doses as well. This pro-worker move is pissing off all the right people.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Sun Mar 04, 2018 3:19 am

Monker wrote:The "wall" itself was bullshit...even most Trump zombies admit that.

Go ask Israel if a wall is bullshit. While you have been busy talking to underage decoys in an Iowan cyber cafe, I have actually visited Israel multiple times. You don't know a fucking thing.

Monker wrote: More people are killed every year by toddlers than by Muslim terrorist.

Not funny and not factual. Pretty much sums up every post here you make.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby ohsherrie » Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:07 am

The_Noble_Cause wrote:The truth is, I have been left-leaning all my life and continue to be. Sherrie is also a Democrat.

This election is the first time I've ever voted for a republican, but then I don't consider Trump to be your run of the mill republican. I'm so disgusted with the crooks and idiots in the Democratic Party though that I don't identify with them either. I guess I've become an independent by default. :lol:
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby slucero » Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:25 am

So the net of the Meuller investigation is:

Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help Donald Trump win by taking out Facebook and Twitter political ads and then defiled those mediums with Russian bots.

Paraphrasing Rosenstien: No American wittingly involved in the deceit. One group organized simultaneous demonstrations both for and against Trump.

Looks at first glance like the Meuller investigation results are indictments for a bunch of made up crimes - for posting on social media. Dangerous as a precedent, as apparently it is a "Crime" and "Fraud" against the United States to disparage a political candidate for U.S. Federal Office.

Wonder what that foretells about those (DNC, Hillary for America, Obama for America) involved in compiling the Fusion GPS report?

:mrgreen: This is hilarious...

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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Monker » Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:33 pm

The_Noble_Cause wrote:
Monker wrote:Putting tariffs on imported steel matter and could crash the economy. The ignorance of the man making that decision and the power and position he holds is what people should consider terrifying.

You would only think this if you have the most limited understanding of economics. Protectionism was used by Regan and W in smaller doses as well. This pro-worker move is pissing off all the right people.

I already explained this in a lengthy post to KC. The bottom line is tariffs cause prices to increase. On a generic product like steel, it's going to have an even broader affect on the economy, causing more than just one product to go up. It's not going to be good for any American....especially investors in the stock market...

Instead of raising the price of steel by %20, it would be MUCH better if the steel industry did things to bring its costs down to make them more competitive. Reagan's tariffs did not bring back the US auto industry...the industry started building a better product for less money...and Japan could not could not continue selling product at a loss, or little profit, forever.

I would much rather believe in the free market and competition creating better and more affordable products, than a small handed orangutan thinking he can adjust the price of steel with a tariff.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Monker » Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:40 pm

The_Noble_Cause wrote:
Andrew wrote:
As for LWNJs, there aren't any here. This topic has been taken over by 3 or 4 complete hard nosed RWNJs such as yourself and there is no balance here whatsoever. Apart from dear Monker.

"Dear Monker" refutes your description of him as a leftist. So you may want to run that by him first.

He didn't describe me as a "leftist". Reread what you quoted.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby steveo777 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 2:26 pm

As for Sessions, I would not be a bit surprised if he is living in fear of the Clinton criminal syndicate, hence his lack of spine and appropriate action on things. He just shouldn't have taken the fucking job, is the bottom line. He's weak, afraid and rudderless. He's not AG material and Trump should just can him and let the chips fall where they may.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Boomchild » Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:44 pm

steveo777 wrote:As for Sessions, I would not be a bit surprised if he is living in fear of the Clinton criminal syndicate, hence his lack of spine and appropriate action on things. He just shouldn't have taken the fucking job, is the bottom line. He's weak, afraid and rudderless. He's not AG material and Trump should just can him and let the chips fall where they may.

That is last thing Trump should do. It would take forever to confirm someone else. The other thing to consider is what is seen on the surface may not be what is actually happening below it.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby steveo777 » Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:00 pm

Boomchild wrote:
steveo777 wrote:As for Sessions, I would not be a bit surprised if he is living in fear of the Clinton criminal syndicate, hence his lack of spine and appropriate action on things. He just shouldn't have taken the fucking job, is the bottom line. He's weak, afraid and rudderless. He's not AG material and Trump should just can him and let the chips fall where they may.

That is last thing Trump should do. It would take forever to confirm someone else. The other thing to consider is what is seen on the surface may not be what is actually happening below it.

Well, let's hope something is happening. Let's hope Sessions isn't as incompetent as he appears. What should a POTUS do with an AG who won't do his job? Too many things are, or are not done, due to fear of political fallout. Doing what's right should come before what's politically safe.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby ohsherrie » Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:49 pm

Monker wrote:I would much rather believe in the free market and competition creating better and more affordable products, than a small handed orangutan thinking he can adjust the price of steel with a tariff.

The American free market will adjust to the tariffs when there are more Americans working to build American products and buy American products and build the American economy. That's what our President is trying to accomplish.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:38 am

Monker wrote:I already explained this in a lengthy post to KC. The bottom line is tariffs cause prices to increase. On a generic product like steel, it's going to have an even broader affect on the economy, causing more than just one product to go up. It's not going to be good for any American....especially investors in the stock market...

Odd. I remember you on here defending TPP, which raises the price of items way above the market price. Why, it's almost as if you support TPP because it's from Obama. :roll: for any inflationary effects from tariffs....the same thing is said about raising the minimum wage. In both cases, whatever price increases happen are offset by increased purchasing power by US consumers. Additionally, more revenues will be spent domestically and not sent abroad. Yes, primarily, CEOS/shareholders would see lower compensation. But these are the same people who have been offshoring jobs - so who cares? The resulting reduction in our trade deficit from the tariffs would also potentially create more jobs.

Monker wrote:I would much rather believe in the free market and competition creating better and more affordable products, than a small handed orangutan thinking he can adjust the price of steel with a tariff.

No such think as a free market in a globalized economy where the majority of our trading partners impose a VAT on our imports.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:41 am

Monker wrote:He didn't describe me as a "leftist". Reread what you quoted.

You are being referred to as a countervailing voice of balance on here.
If everyone on here is alleged to be a "Right Wing Nut Job" what would that make you? A centrist nut job? It's definitely not sane.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby slucero » Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:31 am

Top 10 steel sources... (notice China NOT on the list.)


Per Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross:

“The total amount of tariffs we’re putting on is about $9 billion in a year, that’s a fraction of... the economy, so the notion that it would destroy a lot of jobs, raise prices, disrupt things, is wrong.”

Ross also dismissed European Union threats of retaliatory tariffs on flagship American products including Harley Davidson motorcycles, bourbon and Levi's jeans as trivial and a "rounding error." The commerce secretary said the Europeans were discussing a "pretty trivial amount of retaliatory tariffs, adding up to some $3 billion of goods.

"In our size economy that's a tiny, tiny fraction of 1 percent," Ross said. "So while it might affect an individual producer for a little while overall, it's not going to be much more than a rounding error."

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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Boomchild » Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:56 am

K.C.Journey Fan wrote:I wanted to think that Boomchild. Last week it's clear Trump and many Americans are fed up with Sessions. He's keeping the Obama/Clinton Good ol boy kangeroo courts going at this point. There is more then enough to put the Clintons, father, wife, daughter, and son in law in prison SLAM DUNK, not to mention six top FBI. The DOJ sits idol and lets a joke circus show, Mueller, ramble on about Trump. Hell, now he's not even investagating Russians, although rumor is more inditments will go down next week, on RUSSIANS not Trump. Hows those russian arrests going? At least they get a good laugh over it.

As I mentioned before I think it needs to be considered that what we are seeing on the surface is an act. An act to create a distraction from what is happening behind the scenes to investigate and prosecute these people. Think of it like a chess game. As far as the courts, I have mentioned to think about what if they would not being using the federal courts to prosecute these individuals. If we are taking about crime(s) of sedition or treason there are other methods. When you think about depth and scope of this situation, it takes a lot pf time to setup the prosecution. So that, you can get all the actors involved. Not just those at the top. With such a situation you need to also make sure the charges will stick. One wrong move and the show is over. Then you have to take into account how the public will respond. You have to present them with the evidence so that they can see the justification for the arrests and charges. That takes time as well. Also, because of what has been occurring it may require major restructuring of our judicial and intelligence agencies. I like you want to see action and at times become frustrated. But when I look at the enormity of what needs to be done, I understand that it is going to take more time then what we may think it should. This isn't taking into account that the guilty are not going to go down without a fight. Their not waiting for charges to be brought to fight back. It's happening right now.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby verslibre » Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:12 am

Senate Republicans in the state legislature pulled a bill to outlaw child marriage in Kentucky, Insider Louisville reported this week, following opposition from the conservative group Family Foundation of Kentucky on claims that it takes away parental rights.

The bill was pulled hours before a scheduled vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee “for the second time in two weeks,” USA Today reported.

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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Monker » Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:41 am

ohsherrie wrote:
Monker wrote:I would much rather believe in the free market and competition creating better and more affordable products, than a small handed orangutan thinking he can adjust the price of steel with a tariff.

The American free market will adjust to the tariffs

Of course...the price of steel for American business will go up causing any product made with steel to also go up...which is inflation.

when there are more Americans working to build American products and buy American products and build the American economy. That's what our President is trying to accomplish.

Artificially adjusting the price of aluminum and steel is not going to bring back any jobs. That's laughable...raising the price of steel and aluminum makes it MORE EXPENSIVE to build factories in the US.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Boomchild » Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:38 am

verslibre wrote:

Senate Republicans in the state legislature pulled a bill to outlaw child marriage in Kentucky, Insider Louisville reported this week, following opposition from the conservative group Family Foundation of Kentucky on claims that it takes away parental rights.

The bill was pulled hours before a scheduled vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee “for the second time in two weeks,” USA Today reported.


As odd and disturbing as this seems to be, I would be as equally disturbed about having a sitting Supreme Court Justice that doesn't see a problem with reducing the age of consent to 12yrs old.

Boomchild wrote:Get to know Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. How do you feel about reducing the age of consent to 12 YEARS OLD? How do you feel about DECRIMINALIZING pedophilia? Notice the similarities between her thoughts and today's SJW. ... 4-3-12.pdf
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby verslibre » Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:15 am

Both are in the same ballpark, i.e. "things that should not be."

But one person's thoughts are one thing. An actual bill about to happen and getting yanked — TWICE — is another.

Don't be surprised if you hear Roy Moore placed a call to an overnight moving company.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Boomchild » Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:19 am

verslibre wrote:Both are in the same ballpark, i.e. "things that should not be."

But one person's thoughts are one thing. An actual bill about to happen and getting yanked — TWICE — is another.

Don't be surprised if you hear Roy Moore placed a call to an overnight moving company.

Yeah it's kind of interesting how "one person's thoughts" become all important when they are being confirmed to the highest court in the land. I mean who really cares? It's only one person, one judge.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby verslibre » Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:59 am

Boomchild wrote:
verslibre wrote:Both are in the same ballpark, i.e. "things that should not be."

But one person's thoughts are one thing. An actual bill about to happen and getting yanked — TWICE — is another.

Don't be surprised if you hear Roy Moore placed a call to an overnight moving company.

Yeah it's kind of interesting how "one person's thoughts" become all important when they are being confirmed to the highest court in the land. I mean who really cares? It's only one person, one judge.

FYI, your link's f-ed up. You may want to fix it.

No surprise you're the first one to throw something out. Not like that changes what happened over in Kentucker.

What's that line them old-timers like to use? "If there's grass on the ball!" Some things never change...
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby Boomchild » Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:36 pm

verslibre wrote:FYI, your link's f-ed up. You may want to fix it.

No surprise you're the first one to throw something out. Not like that changes what happened over in Kentucker.

What's that line them old-timers like to use? "If there's grass on the ball!" Some things never change...

No surprise that you don't find them both disturbing in their own right. If it was up to Ginsberg she would not have a problem with what you are talking about. She is for reducing the age of consent to 12yrs. old and thinks pedos shouldn't be criminally prosecuted.

Here is an updated link: ... 4-3-12.pdf

Oh and by the way, before you zero in on Kentucky, perhaps you may to review this article. ... 50-states/
Last edited by Boomchild on Mon Mar 05, 2018 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: President Donald J. Trump - Term 1 Thread

Postby verslibre » Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:24 pm

Boomchild wrote:No surprise that you don't find them both disturbing in their own right.

That's your own shortcoming. Yours. What did I say of "things that should not be"? Do you see the word things? Is it singular, or is it plural?

Where the fucking hell would you ever get the notion that I find it acceptable that 12 years should be the age of consent? Or that I would be alright with an authority figure being for something like that? :roll:

All you did, as predicted, was deflect. And it still doesn't change what is going on in Kentucker. There are those of your ilk there, and in other places, who think it is perfectly alright to be in your 50s and 60s and bang chicks under 14.

Andrew titled this section aptly.
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