New Shem Interview

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New Shem Interview

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:59 am

Former TOTO bassist, Shem von Schroeck, sat down with conservative media outlet, The Blaze. The interviewer is a self-described super TOTO fan who reached out to Shem. The TOTO talk begins around the 20 minute mark. Shem said he has refrained from commenting on what went down until now. ... c&sfnsn=mo

A few of Shem's claims include:

-There was never any bad blood between him and Luke on the road. Shem only began to hear things after the tour concluded, which then spilled over into social media.

-David Paich was a stabilizing grandfatherly force on the road. Once he left, drama ensued.

-Shem claims that he wrote Luke a letter and voicemail expressing his concerns during the last leg of the tour. Shem claims he was basically threatened to finish the tour or else.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Sundet » Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:21 pm

FFS! He was a touring member for a few years. Why the need for him to involve himself in internal band politics? He even acknowledges as much.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Mon Dec 30, 2024 1:43 am

Sundet wrote:FFS! He was a touring member for a few years. Why the need for him to involve himself in internal band politics?

Honestly, I didn't really get that impression from the interview. It sounds like (for him) the road became a toxic situation and he reached out just looking for a way to try to hold-on. Steve Porcaro also painted a dire picture: "The last tour was pretty rough with all the stress and screaming and 14-paragraph emails."

As a hired hand, should he have kept silent and just continued to cash the checks and eat the shit sandwich? Perhaps.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Onestepper » Wed Jan 01, 2025 2:46 am

Thanks for sharing the interview, had not seen it. Will admit that it was pretty sad to hear the details. While I've always been aware of the drama with the different players in the band, to hear some of those details and how toxic things were is a bit jarring. Especially because so much surrounded Luke.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Andrew » Wed Jan 01, 2025 10:29 am

Anyone taking this on face value should rethink their stance. Luke has remained silent on this. Some guys just don’t fit in. Others have been in the Toto orbit for decades. That’s what you should take from this hit piece.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby danielb » Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:08 pm

A hit piece? If anything, he treads gently. There are always two sides to every story and this was his take.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Wed Jan 01, 2025 11:03 pm

danielb wrote:A hit piece? If anything, he treads gently. There are always two sides to every story and this was his take.


The interviewer is a huge Toto fan. I'm actually talking to him privately now to try to follow up on some details. I don't think this was intended as a hit piece. Luke is off social media now and remaining publicly silent on most everything. I miss his tweets but it's probably for the best.

Also, as pointed out in the interview, people and views change over time.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Wed Jan 01, 2025 11:40 pm

Shem yesterday responded to comments on YT and says he is done talking about this:

To all of you who have seen this interview and the few who have commented below, I bear none of you any ill will. In fact I understand and can relate to many of your strong feelings and emotions. It is never an easy thing to hear and see someone in less than a positive light when there is such a deep respect for a person’s talents and well-deserved achievements. Most of you are life-long super-fans of the band, and more profoundly of HIS. It shouldn’t surprise you that I am one of you, and, in many ways, am still to this day. Like so many of you, for so long I was always quickest to defend (both in my heart and to others) the behaviors I repeatedly witnessed. For much of my time in the organization, I was in denial, made elaborate excuses, and attempted to justify the many rage-filled outbursts. These were always heartbreaking to observe, due to my idolizing the man since the age of 13. So, I get it. I understand. It’s challenging to digest… which is why some of you have understandably taken the now breaking of my silence, almost personally, as some sort of trashing or bashing. To any objective viewer, however, it is clear that this interview was not intended as such. My silence over the last 5 years is emblematic of my desired restraint from ever wishing to do so.

I walked onto the stage of THE MET PHILLY in Philadelphia, PA on October 20th , 2019, fully aware it would be my last show with TOTO. As melancholy an evening for me as it was, It was the culmination of a committed decision I had made months earlier. For too long the bad had far outweighed the good, and it was simply time to respectfully move on. And I was at peace with it (see my farewell Instagram post from 10/21/19 @shemvonschroeck). Three years, 10 road trips, 219 shows… I had been a part of TOTO long enough to have fulfilled a childhood dream. That said, and with no disrespect nor ill will, I simply did not wish to work for nor with HIM anymore… as was my right. I’m not the first, and I certainly am not the last, to make that decision. In Oct. of 2019, after we were told that TOTO was likely to never tour again, and HE suggested that we all go “find new work,” my intent was to politely and respectfully walk away, having already made this disclosure to others in the band. I felt blessed to have been a very small part of the TOTO legacy, felt blessed to have formed some great friendships that still exists to this day, and, most importantly, felt blessed to know that I departed having given my heart and soul to the organization and the privilege it was to serve in it. You would think it would have simply ended there. Yet, sadly, no….

A very wise man once said, “He who is quickest to engage in slander is probably the last person from whom to seek the truth.”

It is one thing to be on the receiving end of slander. It is quite another when the slander is blatantly false. From my position I left on good terms with HIM… even exchanging some humor and holiday greetings in the months that followed. As I stated in the interview, we never had one blow up nor any worthy altercation of any kind in my three years,….. while cherishing - and still possessing - dozens of communications from HIM stating nothing but high praise for my “monster musicianship,” “consummate professionalism,” and “easy-going nature” (his words). I had no reason to think there was any bad blood between us. If the man didn’t like me, I had been given no signs to entertain the notion. If I had been “difficult to work with," I would have been canned after the first year… and rightfully so!

But then a change occurred, as I document in my interview. I began being sent evidence of his public mudslinging. To say I was confused would be a gross understatement. What’s worse, it has since continued for 5 years. To have heard some of the things HE has claimed (as is evident in a few comments below) my jaw still hits the ground in shock. Beyond the fiction in these claims, some of it is absurdly laughable: (Ex. There is not one other former artist I have worked with to whom I am no longer on speaking terms. NOT ONE).

Seeing how quick some of you are to react to this interview, I wonder if you could have remained as silent as I have been for 5 years if similar things were falsely said about you. I certainly realize that people believe what they want to believe; that is their god-given, individual right. If you want to believe HIM and the notion that I was some sort of villain within the organization, again, you have that right. But I ALSO retain the right to defend myself in the wake of slanderous falsehoods, at the very least, tell my side for the first time.

I had NEVER intended to speak publicly about this… but enough was enough!

My honest answers to the questions asked of me in this interview would likely never have been stated if HE could have simply kept his apparent dislike for me private. On any mature, to say nothing of professional, level, there was no need for it. We could have simply gone our separate ways, and that would have been that. I actually empathize with a lot of the negative comments about me below, and I sincerely apologize to HIS loyal faithful if my telling the truth of my departure offends. To any objective observer, it was never my intent. Since my departure, and even through all the slander, I still have it in my heart to always wish HIM the very best in life. Throughout these 5 years, I have always publicly honored HIM with praise about his outstanding talents and accomplishments—worthy of Mt. Rushmore status. And to this day, as has been falsely suggested by some of you below, never has there been the slightest element of hate in my heart for the man. NEVER!

In conclusion, I am respectfully putting the matter to rest. My life has truly never been better. My wife and family are my treasure. My career is at an all-time high. As a composer I am doing things I never thought possible… and getting paid for it!! :D In the last 12 months I have delivered three film scores, with another still in the works, on top of a host of orchestral arrangements and orchestrations for various esteemed clients. (Ironically, 2024 saw more prosperity than all three TOTO years combined! Life is strange. :shock: ) The Lord has been gracious…. answering many a prayer. Gratitude doesn’t begin to cover it.

I am turning off any alerts to this thread and will not be viewing nor reading any future comments or responses. All I ask is that each of you respect each other. Take any emotion out of it, and be open to thoughts or opinions you may disagree with. Be open-minded to things you may not want to hear or read. Don’t take anything personally or too seriously. Show restraint. Above all, treat people how you would want to be treated.

I look forward to the privilege of sharing my work and art with those of you who have been followers and supporters of what I do. It has been, and ever shall be, an honor.
Many blessing, and have a healthy and prosperous NEW YEAR,

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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby danielb » Thu Jan 02, 2025 1:44 am

Are there any examples of the alleged public mudslinging from Luke over the past 5 years?
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Andrew » Thu Jan 02, 2025 8:01 am

Hit piece.

And more than Luke had issues with Shem.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Sundet » Fri Jan 03, 2025 7:46 am

I wouldn't shrug off what Shem von Schröck says as blatant lies, but it's obviously only a part of the story. He's previously gone on record to voice his dismay about being relieved of his head mic and placed behind a stand when Paich left, so clearly he cannot have been completely unaware that some of the band were not overly enthused by his antics. Moreover, I can imagine that his political views - to the extent that he let them be known - didn't go down too well with some of the band and crew. On the other hand, Lukather wears his heart on his sleeve - for better or worse - and being caught in his line of fire is a rather unpleasant experience. But even if you get your head ripped off, as Shem puts it, Lukather will, in my experience, listen to what you have to say. He may be rash, but he's honest and reasonable. I have nothing but respect for him. A great musician and equally great human being.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Andrew » Sat Jan 04, 2025 5:44 pm

Well said Sunny. Luke all the way. He’s one of the true gems in this business if you ask me.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Onestepper » Sun Jan 05, 2025 12:38 am

To be clear, nothing about my opinion around Luke or Shem changed based on that interview. My disappointment is around how two or more people (a band I love and respect) can't or won't get along. The same thing can be said around Perry and the Journey camp.

The only real issue I had with that interview is that I just hate it when someone says I'm not going to go into details, and then proceeds to go into great detail, and ends up slamming someone in the process when they said they didn't want to do that. It's his point of view and he's allowed to give it. But that doesn't mean the approach is something I enjoy.

Just bought tix last night for the upcoming tour. Can't wait to see them live again.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby RonaldDupris » Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:51 am

The headset mic always looked ridiculous lol The way he would prance around onstage, he was clearly trying to show off his muscular arms. He was a touring bassist, not a band member and I don’t think he liked that.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Sun Jan 12, 2025 1:36 am

RonaldDupris wrote: He was a touring bassist, not a band member and I don’t think he liked that.

Based on what? I remember you also hating on Greg P and saying similar things. To me, both of these guys seem grateful and honored to play with TOTO.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby RonaldDupris » Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:43 am

First off, I no longer have a problem with Greg. His behaviour since returning has improved big time. He seems to know his place now on stage and understands he is just a hired hand in Luke's band. A huge improvement from the attention-seeking clown he was during the FiB days.

Shem reminded me alot of old Greg. He clearly wanted attention when he was on stage.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby danielb » Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:28 am

RonaldDupris wrote:Shem reminded me alot of old Greg. He clearly wanted attention when he was on stage.

They are performers?
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby RonaldDupris » Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:20 pm

The BAND TOTO is the performer. In this case, Luke and Joe. The hired hands are not the performers. They're not there to take attention, they’re there to back Toto and do what Luke/Joe tells them to do. You play your instrument and do your job. If Luke is kind enough to allow the hired hands to have a moment in the show where they can do a solo and “be the star” for a moment, great, but don’t push it beyond that and don’t try to take more than what you’re given.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby JohnH » Thu Jan 16, 2025 5:13 pm

I'll have no comment on Lukather, huge fan here in LA and am around him alot. Loved Shem in the band . Finally there was some energy and great vocals back in the bass position. They only had this with Nathan . Was bummed when he had to leave.
And Shem was no Rudy Sarzo, who really can be annoying , he was absurd in Blue Oyster Cult. Now that is a true stage hog attention whore. He's the one Kevin Dubrow was complaining about in 2004 but wouldn't say who it was. Kevin told me - Rudy. Shem? No way .

You had Nathan East, who was perfect then he left and it was a bummer. Lee Sklar was great- no vocals . David Hungate, he replaced Nathan in 2014- no vocals , no energy and sitting on a chair. Boring. Huge fan of Greg P and very glad he's back.
Never understood the hate. He was totally awesome during the FIB era. Met him after the show in Vegas. Funny as hell as well as super nice. Beyond thrilled he's now also with Yamaha.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby danielb » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:19 am

I see no difference in Greg from the FIB days compared to today. What did he do back then that was so offensive?
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby The_Noble_Cause » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:33 am

JohnH wrote:I'll have no comment on Lukather, huge fan here in LA and am around him alot. Loved Shem in the band . Finally there was some energy and great vocals back in the bass position. They only had this with Nathan . Was bummed when he had to leave.

With his high range, Shem had the potential to be a real franchise asset and talent. I saw that lineup a few times. One time I brought a bassist friend of mine and he was really impressed.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Sundet » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:36 am

Overall, I think the 2010s were Toto's best and most consistent decade, even if it ended on a rather sour note.

Who would've expected that when the band broke up in July 2008?

Reunion tour in 2010 was magnificent and obviously the band had so much fun that they carried on for the next several years, momentarily peaking with the 2013 live DVD. Then somehow litigation sparked a fantastic new album in 2014/15, leading to an incredible tour in 2015-16, the first few legs of which featured the return of Hungate (to say nothing of the return of Lenny Castro), also meaning that there were more original band members onstage (and I include Lenny amongs them) than at any point since 1987. Incredibly, the band renewed its energies in 2017, bringing a new setlist (as they always do when they hit the road) and digging into the vaults for what became the boxed set/All In, prompting the brilliant 2018 tour.

This was truly a magnificent decade for Toto.

I guess that touring eventually took its toll, as it does on all bands. Steve Porcaro lamented that the tours were getting longer and more frequent, and way back in the 1995 Tambu EPK, Paich stated that his idea of a tour was a three-week stint. In addition to Paich's health problems, and above all the legal action initiated by Mrs. Porcaro-Goings, it seems to me that this served to create friction and erotion. Shem Schröck may have found himself caught amidst this but it is my firm impression that he did little to help remedy the situation.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby danielb » Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:09 am

RonaldDupris wrote:The BAND TOTO is the performer. In this case, Luke and Joe. The hired hands are not the performers. They're not there to take attention, they’re there to back Toto and do what Luke/Joe tells them to do. You play your instrument and do your job. If Luke is kind enough to allow the hired hands to have a moment in the show where they can do a solo and “be the star” for a moment, great, but don’t push it beyond that and don’t try to take more than what you’re given.

In what way did Shem steal more attention than Dennis Atlas does here? :)

Just curious. Dennis rocks by the way.
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Re: New Shem Interview

Postby Sundet » Fri Feb 07, 2025 7:05 am

danielb wrote:
In what way did Shem steal more attention than Dennis Atlas does here? :)

Just curious. Dennis rocks by the way.

He even taps Luke on the shoulder, as if to say 'get the fuck outta here, my turn to shine'.

Seriously though, Toto have almost always let touring members shine on stage. Tom Kelly and Tim Schmit were in the front line, Spinner got to solo and sing lead, they had a bunch of backing singers over the years who all took center stage (even too much, I'd say), and Mr. Fabulous himself, who was prominently featured on the 7th One tour. So it's not as though Shem wasn't allowed to shine as such. However, if his attitude smelled pretty much like anyone's arsehole, I can kind of see why some of the band didn't want him strutting around onstage. If Shem's claims that Lukather wasn't too enthused about him leaving before the 2019 are true, I can also kind of see why, as it would have required Toto to rehearse a new bass player and singer on very short notice - and possibly having to recruit a bassist as well as a singer.

The more I hear from Shem, the more I see Lukather's side. And yet Lukather hasn't said a word about this particular case publicly.

The saddest casualty from the 2019 tumults was Steve Porcaro. But Steve Porcaro never really liked touring, and after Lukather took over managing the band the tours were getting longer and longer (he is THE road animal after all). So I can kind of see how and why friction arose. Add Mrs. Porcaro-Goings' lawsuit to that blend, and it did have the potential to become ugly - although her husband went on record to say that Steve Porcaro had rejected their effort to bring him into the mess regarding the Toto name and brand. Still, this apparently didn't stop Steve Porcaro (by his own admission) from claming a corporate position within the Toto camp, which ultimately must have rubbed Lukather the wrong way - at least when coming on top of everything else that was going on at the time.

But, hey, we got almost a whole decade of seeing Paich, Steve Porcaro, Lukather and Joe Williams sharing the stage again, and even Hungate dropped by for a year. That's classic Toto right there.
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