by Sundet » Mon Aug 15, 2022 6:22 pm
I have to admit I'm a little underwhelmed by the current setlist. To be sure, certain hits need to be in it, and there are a couple of deep cuts in there. But I think the Joe Cocker arrangement of With a Little Help is as much a waste of time and setlist space as it was back in 1992, and you'd perhaps expect their more recent efforts (XIV, Old is New) to receive more of a look-in than just one song. Also, when the tour was first announced back in 2020/21, it was more than hinted that a few Lukather and Williams solo cuts would be thrown into the mix.
In short, compared to the setlists of 2010-2018, which I think were overall very impressive and creative, this recent setlist smacks a little bit more of going through the motions, as it were (although I obviously know that this band never does!).