Glen Burtnik
A little Styx story.
The band once included a John Curlewski. He quit and was replaced by Tommy Shaw. Then they kinda broke up. Then they got back together but Tommy was busy, so I joined the band, taking his place. Then Tommy came back and I left. Then Dennis kinda left and I came back. Then I left. Then Dennis started his own band (with my friends Jimmy Leahey and John Blasucci) and he found a perfect replacement for Tommy, named August Zadra. So in a way, August has been a Tommy replacement, as was I once.
Today for the first time I met and played a song of mine with August, Jimmy & John. It’s a song I recorded with Styx. So I guess you might say there was all kindsa inter-connectivity tonight.
Great seeing Jimmy and John. Great meeting August. Great playing with The Orchestra. Great to be a musician. Great to be flying home tomorrow.