Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

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Re: Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

Postby Monker » Wed Oct 02, 2024 4:59 am

yogi wrote:Talk about them all the time Monk.

Yet you come into this thread and further Suite's trolling by adding on to the discussion.

Over the past few months since this thread was started NOBODY has talked about Styx. Not you, not anybody. The only decent talk here was TageRyche's concert review which received a couple replies. ZERO replies to the Gowan interview. ZERO replies to AR getting Styx tickets. Hardly any discussion AT ALL.

It should not take me calling you out for you to actually talk about Styx rather than arguments that are up to 40yrs old.

Heres the real deal that you wont ever admit. You HATE Dennis. That's the real story. It's actually the only story. How damn twisted is it that you hate someone that you dont even know? You may think you know him but you dont.

That's bullshit. What I hate is DDY insulting fans by saying they would drink Tommy's bathwater. I hate his expressed arrogance in interviews where he says things like he could have made "I Will Be Your Witness" a huge hit - if HE produced it, that he could have made BNW a great album...but he cried when he heard it. I hate his back handed insults towards Styx, and all players of musical instruments, when he says how easy it is to replace an instrument but you can't replace a voice (ironic, huh?). I hate his constant expressions of self importance when he says HE is responsible for everything great within Styx. I hate his INABILITY to be humble and let ANYBODY in Styx have full credit. I hate that he doesn't take responsibility for anything related to why he is no longer in the band. Finally, I hate the way he has developed a cult of followers who thrive on repeating his words and make arguments for him that are up to 40yrs old.

I had the same thing said when I was so critical of Steve Perry. Did I hate HIM? No. It was his actions and his treatment of Journey. All of that has changed now...he acts and talks completely different and I respect that and wish him the best. Then I had Neal Schon fans say I hate Neal because I critiqued him for the very same reasons I critiqued Perry and Dennis. His treatment of Journey, his actions, his arrogance. If Dennis would shut the fuck up about this shit from 25yrs ago and let it go and say he hopes the best for them, which is essentially what Styx has done to him, and leave it there without the constant crybaby attitude then he would get a bit of respect from me. As it is, it seems like he will die believing that Styx owes him a reunion...and it IS about him, despite what he says.

And finally, I filled out their survey that I would go to Florida to see Styx if the dates worked for my wife and I. Put the other bands I would like to see play with them too.

And, you care so much about talking about Styx that you (and everybody else) did not even mentioned it here. NOBODY talks about Styx here because the discussion is dominated by Suite trolling her agenda...which YOU added to....and nobody really wants to be a part of it.
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Re: Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

Postby yogi » Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:29 am

I talked about their concert with John Waite and Foreigner and how GREAT they were at length the day after the show back in June.

You talking about the bath water and the I Will Be Your Witness comments by Dennis and now you are the one goes going back 25 years.

I filled out the Styx Florida 3 Day concerts the day I got it. I’m hoping it happens but the two dates they floated are not ideal times. Weren’t they May & Oct? If I retire after this year we are there. I’m hoping Triumph with Rik Emmett would get back together for this. Ted would leave the couch and Night Ranger would join in

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Re: Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

Postby Cassie May » Thu Oct 03, 2024 3:59 am

Very interesting point raised about how no one here ever wants to discuss current news about Styx. I've been on this board for years and it's always been this way. To the best of my recollection, the only new topic that was discussed extensively was when Sterling announced his book, "The Grand Delusion," years ago. That prompted tons of discussion, but that eventually faded off and the topics turned back to the usual grievances and other bs. It's difficult to even start a topic on any current news as it always gets derailed and twisted back to complaints about DDY no longer being in the band, TS and JY are liars, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Over and over and over. It's sad that people can't let go and it's unpleasant to even be here. Sad.
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Re: Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

Postby yogi » Thu Oct 03, 2024 5:56 am

If Styx does this 3 day we all stay on site tour and I get my wish on the bands we will all get to see what kind of shape Tommy & Jack are in. Could you imagine them doing this? It would truly be my dream concert lineup. Tommy gets his breaks during Triumph & Night Ranger. Jack gets his breaks during Triumph & Styx. Oh… and Rik Emmett still has his chops!

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Re: Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

Postby SuiteMadameBlue » Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:27 am

My post was not old news. I was commenting on things that happened this summer. Adding The Best of Times after years of disparaging Dennis's ballads proves that they are and always were liars. Performing 13 songs and having 7 of them involve Dennis's writing is telling.

Yogi is adamant because he has first hand knowledge of their lies about the Cotton Bowl. Monker and others do not like me posting on this subject because it reminds everyone on this site of their slavish gullibility to their idols lies. "Don't be fooled by the" and yet you were.

Even in this last post he rants and paints a picture of Dennis that is counter to the facts. "Bathwater" he claims, then turns around and gives validity to Dennis's observation with his own words. Always blaming Dennis for everything.

Steve Perry he shouts in his own defense. He's confused he thinks he's trolling on the Journey site. Same vitriol and anger aimed at another lead singer he doesn't even know.
He claims Styx essentially says they hope the best for Dennis as if he hasn't listened to a word they have said about him and his music for these past 25 years.

Watch this interview and its second part to here Dennis in his own words. Her Dennis makes Monker sound he more ignorant.
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Re: Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

Postby Monker » Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:58 pm

I don't want to pick on just you. I think I made my broader point clear...that this forum has been taken over by the explicit trolling of one topic and recently nobody posts or comments on anything new. That is an issue here. Ignore the troll and talk about other things, that is how you solve it.

As for your concert lineup....It would be awesome to see a DY and/or a Shaw/Blades reunion. I think that is something fans have wanted for a very long time and is an obvious choice. The last I read from Rik is that he does not want to do a Triumph reunion because of what it would take to make it sound right...that he can't hit the notes he used to so it would take bringing in other singers or backup tapes so it would not be the same. If they could come up with a way to satisfy him, maybe he would do it....not sure what that would be.

yogi wrote:I talked about their concert with John Waite and Foreigner and how GREAT they were at length the day after the show back in June.

You talking about the bath water and the I Will Be Your Witness comments by Dennis and now you are the one goes going back 25 years.

I filled out the Styx Florida 3 Day concerts the day I got it. I’m hoping it happens but the two dates they floated are not ideal times. Weren’t they May & Oct? If I retire after this year we are there. I’m hoping Triumph with Rik Emmett would get back together for this. Ted would leave the couch and Night Ranger would join in

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Re: Styx Current Setlist - Most of DDY songs......

Postby yogi » Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:42 am

The dates Tommy stated were in either May or Oct correct? The cabanas that can be booked right next to the concert venue makes it look like my dream vacation. Tommy's on fire with the venue choice.

On a side note if Triumph wont get back together Dream Theater would for sure be my choice to replace them. Ive got tickets to see them Feb 15 in Dallas. My wife purchased the platinum Meet & Greet for me for my birthday prior to the show. Never really done the Meet & Greet thing B4 other than the time Suite got my wife & I backstage at a DDY with Glen B in his band concert in Wisconsin. Then I got to meet Dennis at a Meet & Greet after the show. It was AWESOME!

I'm jacked up for the Dream Theater Meet & Greet & 40th Anniversary Concert. I shouldn't miss that show cause its the Sat before our season opener and I always give the players that Sat off. Then last night I also purchased Dream Theater tickets to see them again March 22 at Radio City Music Hall in NY. My son just moved to Brooklyn so we are going together for that show. It will be the third time we have seen them together. This show is a risky one for me to book because we play a district game on the 21st in Dallas. Turf field so we shouldn't get rained out but the fear is lightening cancellation happens. Ill then stay in Dallas Friday night and fly to NY Sat morning for the show that night. Nothing Ever Goes As Planned but I'm taking a chance that it will. I've only seen Mike Portnoy once before in Dream Theater so Mike being back with him is HUGE for me.
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