Andrew wrote:Journey/Survivor wrote:Andrew wrote:Poppycock
Not at all.
But you wouldn't take the time to do the research that I have that proves everything that I'm saying.
Assumption that I’m too stupid to think for myself. Another typical MAGA trait.
First of all, I was not assuming that.
More importantly, if the people who know me heard/saw you say that I'm a typical MAGA they would burst out laughing. I can't stand Trump. Never have liked him and never will! I think the guy is absolute scum. I always preferred Americas democratic party over the republican party. I still hate the republican party. But I have come to realize that the democratic party is controlled by the exact same shit bags as the republicans are. They're all serving the same masters with the same agendas. The same bird controls both wings.
Like I said in my other post, it's all divide and conquer. Distract Americans with fighting over the whole left right bullshit instead of realizing that both parties have completely rigged the system for the billionaires and the trillionaire families.
I have only posted in the American presidential threads here on MR once or twice ever, because I wouldn't defend any of Trump, Biden, the Bush's, the Clinton's, Reagan or Obama.
I'm quite certain that the same divide and conquer stuff is being done in Australia, England and every other first world country as well.
I don't hate the "woke" crowd. I even said that they have good intentions in many ways. I just realize that most of them are basing their thoughts and actions with only partial information to go on. Extremes are usually bad. Racists and other hate groups are one disgusting extreme. The "woke" crowd is unfortunately the opposite disgusting extreme in many ways. And just like the hate groups, the "woke" crowd have been brainwashed into their own disgusting and even hateful thinking at times.
If you want to keep this Survivor forum limited to just music talk, I can respect that and will drop the subject.