New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

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New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Slander » Fri May 24, 2024 4:27 am

I don't normally post these, because Jim is so generous with his time and does so many interviews, but I found this one an excellent listen. ... 0656332437
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby BARON BLOOD » Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:24 am

Peterik changing lyrics to please his woke fans......... fuck that guy !!
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Journey/Survivor » Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:15 am

BARON BLOOD wrote:Peterik changing lyrics to please his woke fans......... fuck that guy !!

I listened to the first half of the interview right after Slander posted the link here. I forgot to ever get back to the second half.

What did Peterik change?

I think that Peterik is a great guy overall, and I'm a huge fan of his talent.

But he went all "woke" if you will, back when he and Sullivan were stopping that one woman years ago from using EOTT when she was denying giving marriage licenses to gays years ago.

To be honest. I don't think that the whole "woke" crowd are Peterik/Survivor fans?

Bands need to know their audience and stop catering to non-fans.
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Andrew » Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:31 pm

BARON BLOOD wrote:Peterik changing lyrics to please his woke fans......... fuck that guy !!

You sound like fun.
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby youkeepmewaiting » Wed Jul 31, 2024 12:18 am

What does woke actually mean?
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby DavidWT » Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:51 am

youkeepmewaiting wrote:What does woke actually mean?

I think it's meant to be an insult towards people who have the crazy notion that those with different beliefs or lifestyles should be treated with respect and included in things. It's really ineffective as an insult, though, since most of us "woke" people don't at all see it as something to be ashamed of. It's like attempting to insult somebody by saying, "Oh yeah?! Well, you're a decent human being!"
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Journey/Survivor » Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:50 am

Alright, here's what woke means.

A person who is "woke" is a person who has misguided good intentions.
The "woke" person is against racism, true sexism, and many other injustices. That (being against those things) in it's self is a good thing!

However, what these "woke" people don't realize is that a tremendous amount of the "injustices" that they are angry about are actually faked events that serve the purpose of propaganda. I'm talking about faked murders, fake racism, fake sexism etc, etc.

There are many different purposes of these faked events. Without going into a long explanation, one of the reasons why the powers that be fake these events is that they want the "common" people to be divided against each other. Divide and conquer.

If the common man and woman were to shift their attention away from fighting against each other. And if they were to not be so obsessed with Taylor Swift or who's going to win the next Super Bowl or Brad and Angelina (I know that last one is an outdated reference) or all of these faked events, they might start paying attention to what the powers that be are up to. If the general public knew what TPTB are doing, TPTB would no longer be able to get away with the self serving and all-out-evil true atrocities that TPTB are committing.

In many ways the "woke" crowd, while well meaning, are actually some of the most asleep people out there. Much of the "woke" crowd in the name of being "woke" have also flushed much of their morals down the toilet. They will defend immoral behaviors as being perfectly fine if it means that they are being politically correct.

The 'woke" crowd also are great at being some of the biggest hypocrites out there. A great example of that is how simply because an accusation is made against an individual, that individual must be "cancelled" or even put in prison without any actual proof of any wrong action having been committed by said individual.

An example of that is how a woman made a false accusation against the MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer saying that he tried to choke her. When word of this accusation became public, the "woke" crowd demanded that Bauer be banned from MLB for life and that he go to prison.

Now, if Bauer had really tried to choke this woman for the purpose of killing or otherwise injuring her, then yes, he should go to prison.

However, the "woke" crowd never need to know for sure that a crime was REALLY committed. All they need is the fact that an accusation was made.

So MLB gave in to public opinion from the "woke" crowd and they did ban him from baseball despite the fact that the police and prosecutors had said right from the start and throughout the investigation that they knew that Bauer had NOT done what this woman was accusing him of.

In fact it later came out that not only had Bauer not done what the woman was accusing him of, but in fact she was trying to extort money from Bauer. She has not been punished in any way for her actions.

Now, after that information came out, did the "woke" crowd and "woke" media apologize to Bauer and make certain that the word got out that Bauer was innocent?? No! In fact the "woke" crowd and media have barely acknowledged the fact that Bauer is innocent. And many of the "woke" crowd are still pushing the fake narrative of Bauer's "guilt" to this day.

To the "woke" crowd there is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty anymore. All they need is that an accusation was made that a white man did something wrong against a woman or a minority, so it has to be true and that white man has to be "cancelled" or even go to prison regardless of any REAL guilt.

Racism was always rooted in sheer ignorance! The ironic thing is that most "wokeism" is equally rooted in ignorance, and it can be just as dangerous to true justice.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of examples that I could give.

But remember, TPTB use topics like "wokeism" as a way of distracting the average Joe and Jane from paying attention to the crimes against humanity that they are perpetrating. TPTB are also using "wokeism" as a means of divide and conquer.
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Andrew » Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:16 pm

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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Journey/Survivor » Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:35 am

Andrew wrote:Poppycock

Not at all.

But you wouldn't take the time to do the research that I have that proves everything that I'm saying.
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Andrew » Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:15 am

Journey/Survivor wrote:
Andrew wrote:Poppycock

Not at all.

But you wouldn't take the time to do the research that I have that proves everything that I'm saying.

Assumption that I’m too stupid to think for myself. Another typical MAGA trait.
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Re: New Interview With Peterik on the Hustle Podcast

Postby Journey/Survivor » Sun Aug 18, 2024 1:05 pm

Andrew wrote:
Journey/Survivor wrote:
Andrew wrote:Poppycock

Not at all.

But you wouldn't take the time to do the research that I have that proves everything that I'm saying.

Assumption that I’m too stupid to think for myself. Another typical MAGA trait.

First of all, I was not assuming that.

More importantly, if the people who know me heard/saw you say that I'm a typical MAGA they would burst out laughing. I can't stand Trump. Never have liked him and never will! I think the guy is absolute scum. I always preferred Americas democratic party over the republican party. I still hate the republican party. But I have come to realize that the democratic party is controlled by the exact same shit bags as the republicans are. They're all serving the same masters with the same agendas. The same bird controls both wings.

Like I said in my other post, it's all divide and conquer. Distract Americans with fighting over the whole left right bullshit instead of realizing that both parties have completely rigged the system for the billionaires and the trillionaire families.

I have only posted in the American presidential threads here on MR once or twice ever, because I wouldn't defend any of Trump, Biden, the Bush's, the Clinton's, Reagan or Obama.

I'm quite certain that the same divide and conquer stuff is being done in Australia, England and every other first world country as well.

I don't hate the "woke" crowd. I even said that they have good intentions in many ways. I just realize that most of them are basing their thoughts and actions with only partial information to go on. Extremes are usually bad. Racists and other hate groups are one disgusting extreme. The "woke" crowd is unfortunately the opposite disgusting extreme in many ways. And just like the hate groups, the "woke" crowd have been brainwashed into their own disgusting and even hateful thinking at times.

If you want to keep this Survivor forum limited to just music talk, I can respect that and will drop the subject.
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