General Intelligent Discussion & One Thread About That Buttknuckle

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Postby Monker » Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:50 pm

verslibre wrote:Except by consensus Watchmen is anything but mediocre, especially the Director's Cut.


Rotten Tomatoes' critic's score is 65%. Even the fan score is only 71.
IMDB scores it at 7.6

You can't get much more mediocre than that. And, I have absolutely no interest in watching the directors cut.

Maybe for comic book fans it is "anything but mediocre" but for a general audience, it is boring. Most of the movie is dialogue. There is hardly any action at all. The mystery of "who is killing the heroes" becomes irrelevant because you just stop caring. The only thing I remember about that movie is the giant blue guy moving to Mars. The movie is EXTREMELY boring, just like Eternals.

Also, the few defenders Eternals has praise it for being almost indistinguishable from other MCU movies, save the fleeting references that connect it.

I really don't care. Eternals sucks.

Monker wrote:It was refused by LucasFilm...and it is obvious why. The story SUCKS.,

And you're fully entitled to hold that opinion, but keep in mind the second film, The Scar Giver, is supposed to be significantly better.

Hardly anybody disagrees. Rebel Moon may be the worst movie on Netflix. Funny...the first movie was supposed to take on Star Wars and be the start of a new franchise. Now the second movie is just supposed to be "significantly better". And, if that fails, it will be the R rated directors cuts that will make up for everything.

:lol: Tell me you haven't watched Eternals without telling me. Bland performances, mystifying plot points, liberal borrowings from films of another franchise, the absence of any semblances of physical laws, and a stupid twist thrown in because the story's too predictable, with nary an explanation as to the title characters' goings-on while Thanos' armies were doing their taps on the face of the Earth. They must've been moonlighting for Door Dash. :P

Yep, I don't disagree. But, at least it has a story that somewhat makes sense. Rebel Moon has a story of Seven Samaria in space, and it makes absolutely NO SENSE AT ALL. So, Snyder's Rebel Moon is WORSE than Eternals. It has all of the above flaws, and more.

I haven't seen a big budget film that bad in a while.

Then you either have not seen Rebel Moon or are just too much of a Snyder fanboy to admit how bad it actually is.

It's past time to get Feige out of there. He'll just green-light projects to keep his job, to hell with continuity.

I don't think so. He has his job because even the worst of the MCU movies still made money...The only recent Marvel movie that did not make money was "The Marvels"...prior to that, you have to go all the way back to "The Incredible Hulk". Marvel is also pivoting to X-Men and Fantastic 4. "Deadpool and Wolverine" will be the turning point to a new direction.

Marvel had a few issues. There was the pandemic and then the strikes that pushed everything back and forced things to go out of order. They also stretched things thin with so many Disney+ shows. Feige could not oversee EVERYTHING and mediocre movies and shows were released when common sense would send them back for reshoots and/or delay the release...or cancel them. For example, I can't believe Feige saw screaming goats and decided to leave it in, or the ridiculous MODOK, or the entire Secret Invasion series. The Marvels had WAY too high of a budget and should have been canceled. I would have rather seen a true origin story for Rogue for the next Captain Marvel movie....but, whatever.

And, again, if you want to see how to start a franchise to rival Star Wars, watch Dune....not Rebel Moon.
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Postby Monker » Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:40 am

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Postby Monker » Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:57 am

Wow, I tried to watch Rebel Moon pt2. I ended up falling asleep because it is SO BORING. So much of the first have is recapping the first movie. They start with a dialogue reviewing the last movie...kinda replacing the traditional Star Wars crawl. Then they have to show the resurrection of the main bad guy in their version of a bacta tank. Then he orders the return to the moon, not for the grain but because "The Scargiver" is there. And, the Scargiver gave him a scar that he doesn't want healed because SHE gave it to him. What? On the moon, they find out they have five days before they come to collect the grain. So, there is a scramble to harvest the grain, and train everybody, and prepare the site for the battle. So, they are in a super hurry to get it done...but it is all done in slow motion. I mean, we need to see a grain harvest in slow motion? Swinging a scythe in slomo, random grains flying through the air in slomo. And, it goes on for like 20mins...harvest the grain. Then the training where all the women are better then the men...weird. Then they have to dig tunnels around the two days. Then they have to raise Kora's "crashed spaceship and drag it about....Well, until she goes inside AND IT STARTS RIGHT UP, "Wow, I'm surprised it still works!" No shit...just STUPID. Then Kora tells some more of her backstory. Then all the heroes sit around a table and retell all of their backstories. That is Snyder's idea of character development, I guess. By this time I fell asleep because it was SO FUCKING BORING. So, I "rewatched" the second half of the movie and it is just one huge battle...some of it is OK, some of it is STUPID. The stupid robot character just watches all of this from afar until near the end of the battle. Then he jumps in the explanation given for why he waited nor why he joined...his entire character could have been cut. At the end of the movie a big reveal happens that shows that NONE of this shit really mattered and it sets up the next story....which, IMO, should never be made cuz Snyder sucks.

These two movies are some of the worst I have ever seen. They are just SO BAD. It's like a serious version of "Mars Attacks". I mean, yeah, I was critical of his work in the DCEU...but this is just so horrible as far as story goes. The lens flare of the light sabre fights are almost unbearable. The blurry focus shit is so bad that sometimes you don't even know what is supposed to be in focus. One critic I saw found a scratch or crack on the camera lens...WTF? And, the slomo is so overused that it feel like the movie is 50% longer because of it. Seriously, go watch Seven Samaria instead of this crap. Watch ANYTHING ELSE besides Rebel Moon.
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Postby Monker » Sun Jul 14, 2024 3:57 pm

Ha, hillarious....Caitlin Clark Kent:

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